LD45 Jam: Start with nothing.

We've built a leading edge Interactive Design Environment leveraging a world-class AI assistant. We'll help you design and tell your story with a guided story editor, graphics editor and audio recording system.


  • Some versions of chrome won't let the AI assistant speak by default. Sorry, we didn't have time to fix that. Firefox seems to work well.
  • We'll need your microphone to record audio, please click "allow" when the prompt comes up or the application will not be able to proceed.
  • Fullscreen & headphones recommended for optimal game design experience.


  • @adhesion - Sound, code, story
  • @emarcotte - code
  • @amindler - AI Assistant.


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What in the world is the ending

Writy is an evil force from the depths of the underworld, where only the most evil/brave spirits return from.

The comments are deserted.



May you respond to the one from7 days ago?

I chose RPG,  "Role playing game" and I got horrors aspects instead